King's College London
King's College London

King's College London

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About the company

The King’s Health Partners Digital Health Hub (KHP DHH) will be one of five new UK Hubs supported by the EPSRC to promote knowledge and skills sharing across healthcare, academia and business, and drive innovation in digital health.

The KHP DHH will be an accessible national multi-disciplinary resource supporting training, co-creation, and translation of digital health technologies. We have brought together a critical mass of expertise from across KHP, patient and public representatives, NHS and social care and industry partners, to provide support, enable knowledge transfer and create opportunities for the acceleration of digital health across the UK. KHP DHH will provide: (1) dedicated people and resource, built on a foundation of existing infrastructure but scaled-up with EPSRC funding to meet demand, providing input and guidance on projects supported by the Hub (2) a NHS-academic-industry setting - our core ideology (3) a physical base within the new London Institute for Healthcare Engineering , important for collaboration and common ethos and (4) an excellent training provision to grow national capabilities, with an offering across sectors.

The KHP DHH core pillars (Training, Co-creation, Translation & Acceleration) will interlink and provide support across the continuum of design, development and implementation and will provide direct access to experts and training, fund pilot studies and patient participation. Researchers and organisations across the UK who access the Hub will tap into London’s vibrant investment ecosystem and benefit from the accessibility of our London location. The Hub will accelerate the translational pipeline of new technologies by leveraging vital enabling infrastructure across KHP, where we have a track record of development, testing, translation, and commercialisation of digital health technologies.

King's College London

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